2022 Vaccine Mandate
Information & Resources
We’re in this Together!
With the growing concerns of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus), we want to be clear that we are still open for business! We are working daily to lessen the risk of exposure by staying up-to-date with the latest information from the CDC. We know that it’s an incredibly difficult time for everyone. Our top priority right now is to keep our colleagues, clients, and employees safe and healthy as we navigate the coronavirus pandemic. And with that in mind, we are implementing virtual ways to do business.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I still apply for work with ADASTAFF/ASAP Consultants?
Yes, you can! Though some of our clients have slowed down, none of them have closed their doors. Some clients are even adding staff as they make accommodations to add 3rd shifts. There is also an extraordinary demand on very specific industries right now that need our help—grocery store stocking, call centers, and custodial services. We are in communication daily with these businesses and foresee an urgent need for help in the very near future.
How do I apply for work?
Our branch offices are open but with limited staff and face-to-face interaction. Therefore, the best option today is to complete the application online by joining our Talent Network. Once you have applied, contact the branch office and one of our staff members will assist you in scheduling an interview and may proceed with the onboarding process. If you decide to come to one of our branches, you may be asked to provide information of any symptoms or exposure you may have had to COVID-19 within the last 14 days.
How does this affect me as a current employee?
If you are currently an employee and experiencing a layoff due to COVID-19, please contact your branch immediately to update our staff with your current work status. You will be placed on a priority reassignment list for a new position. We will document your release date as this is important information that may affect your eligibility for government assistance benefits. If you are having COVID-19 related symptoms, please notify your branch immediately and do not report to work. In addition, contact your medical provider for evaluation and release to work. The CDC link, www.cdc.gov will provide a list of possible symptoms and guidelines to protect yourself and others. Additional information can also be found at https://youtu.be/oGruT7Fd54E and by watching the video under Helpful Resources.
General Information that may apply to our employees during this time:
We know that the stress of this pandemic is going to affect our associate workers, clients and business as a whole but we are very optimistic this will be a temporary situation. For our current employees that were directly impacted by COVID-19 through layoffs or illness, there are resources that may be applicable. Below are links to file an unemployment claim or request FMLA.
For Unemployment Claim: www.twc.texas.gov
To Request FMLA: https://timeoff.sedgwick.com/Home/Index?ReturnUrl=%2f or by calling 888-436-9530
Official Forms & Files
ADASTAFF Vaccination PolicyMedical Exemption FormReligious Exemption FormHelpful Resources
Where to Get VaccinatedWhere to Get TestedBooster EligibilityEmployee Rights (PDF):Paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.
Dallas County Health & Human ServicesTarrant County Health & Human ServicesTexas Department of State Health ServicesCDC WebsiteInternal Revenue Services (IRS)Economic Impact Payments from the IRSOur Departments
Human Resources
Business Development
Marketing & Communications